Please be aware that APGFCU will never send you text messages containing links to our website or instructing you to log into online banking. If you receive a text message with a link to APGFCU's website, do not click on it. Instead, visit or use the mobile app to access your online banking account.
To protect your personal information from identity thieves – here are some tips for safer and smarter online shopping:
If you can't find a working phone number, shop elsewhere. Search the internet for unfavorable reviews, and read the site’s privacy policy to learn how it uses your personal information.
Before you buy, read the return policy to find out who covers the shipping cost on a return or exchange.
Read the product description closely. Name-brand items at greatly reduced prices could be counterfeit.
Delete unsolicited email messages asking for personal information, and avoid clicking links in a fraudulent email, it could install spyware on your computer.
Look for a closed padlock on the browser's status bar, and the beginning of the website URL address should change from http to shttp or https.
Your computer should have anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewall, which must be updated regularly to help protect against the latest threats.
With an APG Federal Credit Union Platinum Visa® Credit Card, we’ll reverse the charge if the product isn’t delivered or isn’t what was ordered. And, you may not be liable for charges.
Some "free" deals may come with strings attached, such as requirements to spend a minimum amount or buy certain products.
Print and save records of your online transactions.
By leaving your computer on, scammers can install malicious software and then control it remotely to commit cyber crime.