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Volunteers started APGFCU. Volunteers keep it growing.
In 1938, seven volunteers from the Aberdeen Proving Ground petitioned for a credit union that would provide financial services to the local military community. Together, they grew the membership and assets and managed the operation of the credit union on their own time. It wasn’t until 1960 when increasing administrative tasks required full-time management and APGFCU hired its first employee.
Now with over two billion in assets and hundreds of employees, volunteers still provide the strategic direction and oversight essential to our being a vital resource for our members, now and into the future.
APGFCU directors are volunteers elected to the board by the membership to guide the general affairs of the credit union.
Board members help determine our strategic direction, establish policies, and provide oversight to ensure we always act in the best interests of the entire membership.
Typically, members spend six to 10 hours a month working on board initiatives and contributing to committee discussions. In addition to regular board members, there are associate directors, appointed by the board. Though they do not vote, they participate in board meetings and discussions, and gain invaluable experience developing their credit union leadership skills.
Meet the elected volunteers with the responsibility of directing the credit union.
Donald J. Burnett, COL (Ret.)
Timothy A. Sherwood
Vice Chairman
Emanuel C. Hatton
Cheryl D. Rice
B. Daniel DeMarinis
Assistant Treasurer
Michael L. Dixon, LTC (Ret.)
Paul D. Eikenberg
Wayne G. Taylor
Joseph A. Traino III, LTC (Ret.)
Associate Director
When you give your time and talents, everyone benefits. Volunteers are the heart and soul of APGFCU. Their commitment and active involvement are vital in guiding how our credit union helps our members achieve, prosper and grow to help build strong families for a stronger community.
We have a wide range of opportunities for interested members to offer their skills and energies. These opportunities don’t just benefit APGFCU, they benefit you, too. As a volunteer you will sharpen your understanding of financial services, the credit union movement and enhance your leadership abilities.
Directors are volunteers elected by the membership to serve a three-year term on the Board. The Board comprises nine members and elects five to serve as the executive officers. Typically, directors will dedicate six to 10 hours a month working on Board issues, contributing to committee discussions, and working to sharpen their understanding of financial and governance topics within the credit union movement. Directors elect officers annually to serve as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, or Assistant Treasurer.
In addition to their assigned committee duties, Associate Directors are volunteers, approved by the Board, who attend monthly Board meetings. They cannot vote, but they can discuss issues and topics during the Board meetings and learn, through participation, about what services a credit union typically provides to its members.
Committees are the leadership foundation of APGFCU. Each committee provides a unique experience and comes with important responsibilities, such as reviewing policy proposals, discussing trends, and considering ways to support the community.
These are some of the committees:
Looks for ways to involve the credit union in meaningful community activities.
Meets with members who request, in writing, a review of the actions that led to their loan application denial.
Conducts the annual board nominating process, helps recruit new board members, oversees orientation of new board members and conducts succession planning for board leadership.
Reviews, recommends and monitors policies and programs related to personnel recruitment, employment, training and development.
Reviews quarterly results that focus on overall financial goals.
Evaluates the effectiveness of internal controls and makes recommendations for improvement, ensures annual financial statement audits and verifies member accounts.
Responsible for reviewing the current and future needs for integrated technology solutions to deliver financial services and communications securely, efficiently, and effectively to our members.
Volunteers must complete 12 modules of training through the Volunteer Achievement Program (VAP) offered by CUNA. The first six must be completed within six months of appointment. Thereafter, a minimum of three modules are to be completed every six months to finish the 12 modules within two years. VAP is a home study course designed exclusively for credit union volunteers. Course materials and examinations are completed online.
In addition to the above training requirements, as a volunteer you have the opportunity to participate in free online financial/credit union webinars, leadership/management seminars, course modules, and access to credit union community articles.